Donkey Field Car Park, The Wrekin

Peter Holt

Project Description

The proposed car park consists of 131 spaces (implemented over two phases), surfaced with permeable paving filled with gravel or seeded. It is located on a site which adjoins the Shropshire Hills AONB boundary at the foot of The Wrekin which receives 120,000 visitors per annum. The sensitively designed layout incorporates a well-conceived SuDs drainage scheme designed in close collaboration with drainage engineers. The car parking bays are located on a series of terraces set into the sloping site to ensure their visibility is generally limited to short range glimpsed views. The earthworks have been carefully configured to ensure that no excavated material will need to be removed off-site.

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Footpath routes have been aligned to minimise impacts on existing mature trees while the proposed blocks of native tree and shrub planting have been carefully located to ensure that glimpses of the parked cars are largely screened in views outside the site and to significantly reduce the number of vehicles visible from any single vantage point within the car park itself. All the proposed species are native with careful selection to ensure that they are matched to the prevailing ground conditions and user requirements in that part of the site, with flowering fruit trees concentrated around the picnic area and a tailored woodland mix for the attenuation basins.  


We have been responsible, on behalf of the client for both the pre-app and main planning approval submissions (and all the associated negotiation with the planning authority) along with the coordination of a wide range of specialist sub-consultants (including drainage / structural engineers, project ecologist) and liaising with potential contractors.  The ecological design strategy and management plan have been jointly drafted with the project ecologist with an focus on meeting 10% Biodiversity Net Gain which becomes mandatory at the end of this year.